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Menú Volver a 13

Track 13: Professional Development

DIA 2017: Driving Insights to Action

The Professional Development track focuses its content on topics that improve and support ongoing personal growth for career and team success. This broad category includes interpersonal skills, soft skills, leadership, goal setting, life-long learning, career transitions (career growth, lateral career transitions, and entrepreneurship), social media/new media, and self-awareness to assess strengths and gaps.

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Networking, improving productivity and self-productivity, interpersonal relationships, managing your career development, diversity, hiring, leadership, technology, making a lasting impression, running remote meetings and workplace dynamics.

Specific domain expertise examples are welcome, however please embed those in the context of cross-functional professional development needs.

  • Successfully Managing Your Professional Development
  • Leadership Skills
  • Mindfulness and Well-Being
  • The Business of Life Sciences R&D

Sessions in Professional-Development

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