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S102: Exploring Risk Factors, Life style modification Unveiling the Comparative Efficacy of Metformin and Glimepiride

Poster Presenter

      Rajashekhar Ittedi

      • Student
      • Northeastern University
        United States


The study aims to assess the effectiveness of metformin and glimepiride in managing type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) while investigating potential factors influencing treatment success and evaluating the impact of lifestyle modifications on glycemic control.


Over a six-month period, a prospective non-interventional study was carried out at a tertiary care hospital, encompassing all outpatient and inpatient registrants prescribed with at least one diabetic medication with exclusion and inclusion criteria.


This study discusses about the gender wise distribution of the subjects among 200 subjects 69% are males with 31% females that are affected with diabetes. Tabular & Graphical representation of male and female patients GENDER NUMBER OF PATIENTS PERCENTAGE MALES 138 69% FEMALES 62 31% Tabular & Graphical representation of age wise distribution of patients AGE GROUP MALES FEMALES TOTAL PERCENTAGE 30-39 15 6 21 10.5% 40-49 27 17 44 22% 50-59 45 22 67 33.5% 60-69 29 9 38 19% 70-79 18 6 24 12% 80-89 4 2 6 3% This graph reveals about the affected individuals with Diabetes, according to age wise among them majority of patients are between 50-59(n=67) with 33.5% followed by 40-49(n=44) with 22%, 60-69(n=38) with 19%, 70-79(n=24) with 12%, 30-39(n=21) with 10.5%, 80-89(n=6) with 3% Tabular & Graphical representation of frequency of complications in Diabetes COMPLICATIONS NUMBER OF PATIENTS PERCENTAGE MICROVASCULAR 77 38.5% MACROVASCULAR 83 41.5% BOTH MACRO AND MICROVASCULAR 29 14.5% NO COMPLICATIONS 11 5.5% The study reveals about the frequency of micro and microvasclar complications of the patients from which majority are suffering with macrovascular with 41.5% and then microvascular with 38.5% and followed by both macro and microvacular complications with 14.5% ,and the subjects with no complications is 5.5%. Tabular & Graphical representation of comparative study of drugs DRUGS NO 0F PATIENTS PERCENTAGE GLIMEPIRIDE 23 25.55% METFORMIN 33 36.66% GLIMEPIRIDE+METFORMIN 34 37.77% This study reveals that number of patients treated with Glimepiride are 25.55%, patients on Metformin are 36.66% and patients with combination of two drugs are 37.77%. The patients with combination therapy has shown better glycemic control than the patients with single drug therapy.


Diabetes is one of the leading global diseases, more than half a billion people are living with diabetes worldwide, affecting men, women, and children of all ages in every country, and that number is projected to more than double to 1.3 billion people in the next 30 years with every country seeing an increase count. Diabetes was the eighth leading cause of death and disability combined in the world. Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are the most common forms of the disease and are diagnosed through well-established criteria. Type 1 diabetes often develops during childhood, while type 2 diabetes has a strong genetic component and a robust association with obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. Although prevention and management approaches differ between diabetes types, there are well established strategies to reduce the disease burden, including limiting risk factors for type 2 diabetes, increasing access to treatment such as insulin, and enhancing the health-system infrastructure. The international community has become increasingly aware that diabetes is a monumental global health threat posing increasing challenges to public health and health-care systems worldwide. WHO has identified diabetes as one of three target diseases in its WHO Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of NCDs, and the WHO Global Diabetes Compact was established in 2021 to improve access to health care for, and work closely with, those living with diabetes. The UN uses diabetes treatment as an indicator of countries' health-care systems when assessing universal health coverage objectives and has established a target of reducing rates of premature death due to diabetes and other non-communicable diseases by a third by 2030, as detailed in Goal of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This study delves into the complex arena of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) management, exploring the comparative efficacy of Metformin and Glimepiride while illuminating the influence of risk factors and lifestyle

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