メニュー 戻る Grievance-Policy

Grievance Policy

In accordance with the ACPE Criteria for Quality and the ANSI ASTM E2659‐18 Standards, DIA adopts the following policy and procedures for the management of grievances relative to its continuing education and certificate program.

DIA defines a grievance as a written statement of disagreement or complaint about an issue or situation that is believed to be wrong or unfair by the stakeholder/customer. DIA does not recognize customer support inquiries or feedback as grievances. Such inquiries or feedback may include, but are not limited to, how to register for or access a DIA learning solution, how to request continuing education credits, training room temperature, alternate food options, etc.

  • All grievances must be provided in writing to DIA; grievances may be submitted via email at CE@DIAglobal.org
  • When a grievance is received in writing from a DIA stakeholder, that grievance shall be logged into the Grievance Management Log which shall be maintained by the Manager, Continuing Education on the SharePoint file server
  • All grievances shall be investigated and responded to in a timely manner, but in no case longer than 30 days from receipt. Responses to grievances shall be in writing
  • Matters subject to this policy include but are not limited to (1) staff concerns; (2) matters relating to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and (3) quality of the educational experience issues, including faculty, fair-balance, and content accuracy. Grievances applicable to this policy include individual complaints or comments that fall outside the comments provided on course evaluation materials
  • The Manager, Continuing Education shall have the primary responsibility for grievance resolution. However, should the person filing the grievance not be satisfied with the resolution of the grievance, he or she shall have the right to appeal that decision to DIA’s Global Associate Director, DIA Learning
  • Members of DIA’s Executive Leadership Team (ELT) will also form a Grievance and Appeals Resolution Committee should any grievances and/or appeals need further escalation for resolution, or if a conflict of interest exists between the complainant and individuals involved
  • In the event a grievance is made against a member of the grievance resolution chain of command, the individual referenced will not participate in the resolution process

As of: 10/26/2020

