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Ottawa Marriott Hotel

2013年10月29日 (火) 午前 8:30 - 2013年10月30日 (水) 午後 3:00

100 Kent Street , Ottawa, ON K1P5R7 , CANADA

DIA's Annual Canadian Meeting: New Reality / New Frontiers

Plenary Session 1: International Regulatory Cooperation: Trends and Impacts

Session Chair(s)

Matthew  Ryan

Matthew Ryan

Senior Policy Analyst; Policy, Planning and International Affairs Directorate

Health Canada, Canada

Chanez Narimene  Kebache, MBA

Chanez Narimene Kebache, MBA

Director, Global Product Safety & Pharmacovigilance

Canopy Growth Corporation, Canada

Hear from key leaders from international regulators on current trends, activities and the future of collaboration amongst key agencies. International cooperation is having a shifting impact on public policy and drug regulation, and will continue to shape and impact agency activities. Learn about these key initiatives, where agencies are focusing their activities and how interagency collaboration is evolving now and into the future. Attendees will hear about the impacts of these new realities of international regulatory cooperation and what this means for key stakeholders in the development and regulation of health products.


Louise  Déry

Health Canada Perspective

Louise Déry

Health Canada, Canada

Director, Policy, Planning and International Affairs Directorate

Sabine  Haubenreisser, PhD, MSc

EMA Perspective

Sabine Haubenreisser, PhD, MSc

European Medicines Agency, Netherlands

Principal Scientific Administrator, Stakeholders and Communication Division

Christopher  Turner, MD, FRCPC

Embedment of Health Canada National Visiting Expert (NVE) in Pharmacovigilance at European Medicines Agency - Pilot Project (Via Video Communications)

Christopher Turner, MD, FRCPC

Health Canada / EMA, Canada

Director General

