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Ottawa Marriott Hotel

2013年10月29日 (火) 午前 8:30 - 2013年10月30日 (水) 午後 3:00

100 Kent Street , Ottawa, ON K1P5R7 , CANADA

DIA's Annual Canadian Meeting: New Reality / New Frontiers

Session 4 Track 1 - New Frontiers: Update on ICH: What You Need to Know

Session Chair(s)

Andrew  Storey

Andrew Storey

Vice President, Regulatory Affairs United States and Canada

AbbVie, United States

The International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) is unique in bringing together the regulatory authorities and pharmaceutical industry of Europe, Japan and the US to discuss scientific and technical aspects of drug registration. Since its inception in 1990, ICH has evolved to respond to the increasingly global face of drug development, so that the benefits of international harmonization for better global health can be realized worldwide. From CTD to MedDRA to the many Quality guidelines now available, there has been significant revolution as a result of the organization's output. ICH has been particularly prolific of late producing some key and much anticipated documents that will have a major impact on regulators and industry. The panel will review some of the key developments and publications, the involvement of Health Canada, and some of the changes contemplated for ICH as it assesses new ways to add even more value in future.


Mike  Ward

International Conference on Harmonization – Updates on Health Canada’s Involvement

Mike Ward

World Health Organization (WHO), Switzerland

Coordinator, Regulatory Systems Strengthening, EMP

Hoda  Eid, PhD, MSc


Hoda Eid, PhD, MSc

Health Canada, Canada

Manager, Office of Clinical Trials, Adverse Drug Reaction Division

Rania  Mouchantaf, PhD


Rania Mouchantaf, PhD

Health Canada, Canada

A/Executive Director, Marketed Pharmaceuticals Bureau, MHPD

Vicky Ann Hogan, PhD, MSc


Vicky Ann Hogan, PhD, MSc

Health Canada, Canada

Manager, Blood Tissues and Organs Scientific Section

Sarah  Frise, PhD, MS

Industry Perspective

Sarah Frise, PhD, MS

AstraZeneca, Canada

Global Head Safety Epidemiology and Risk Management

