Hotel Grand Majestic Plaza

2017年6月15日 (木) 午前 8:15 - 2017年6月16日 (金) 午後 5:00

Truhlarska 16, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic

DIA Workshop on Benefit-Risk Strategy

Session 7: Digital Tools for Minimising Risks

Session Chair(s)

Martin  Votava, MD, PhD

Martin Votava, MD, PhD

Chief Medical Officer

PrimeVigilance, Czech Republic

This session presents different tools and means to minimise risks that are already in use. It is a perfect place to benchmark the practices in place in your organisation and discuss the pros and cons of each tool. The session will discuss the following: - Presenting different tools and options - How to harness digital tools to minimise risks and evaluate effectiveness - Examples of using digital tools in patient and HCP engagement in real life


Priya   Singhal, MD, MPH

Digital Tools and Benefit-Risk: Wheat from Chaff

Priya Singhal, MD, MPH

Biogen, United States

Senior Vice President and Global Head of Safety and Benefit Risk Management

William  Gregory, PhD

Pragmatic Application of Digital Tools in Managing Medicinal Product Benefit-Risk: Opportunities and Challenges

William Gregory, PhD

Pfizer Inc, United States

Senior Director, Safety and Risk Management

