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Hilton Washington DC/Rockville Hotel & Executive Meeting Ctr.

2017年9月14日 (木) 午前 7:00 - 2017年9月15日 (金) 午後 3:00

1750 Rockville Pike, , Rockville, MD 20852 , USA

Clinical Trial Disclosure and Data Transparency Conference

Learn about the latest requirements in clinical trial disclosure and data transparency, share best practices, and engage in in-depth discussions on hot topics.

Session 5: EU Portal: The Gateway to the Implementation of Clinical Trial Regulations

Session Chair(s)

Matthias  Zerm, PhD

Matthias Zerm, PhD

Lead Expert, Clinical Trial Disclosure and R&D Processes

Merz Therapeutics GmbH, Germany

Interested in the EU Portal and Database? What is it about and how will it work? What is the current status? What is the implementation strategy and related timelines? This session will address these questions and provide insight into the clinical trial disclosure provisions in the EU Clinical Trial Regulation EU (No) 536/2014 and how they are implemented in the EU Portal.

Learning Objective :
  • Recognize the central role of the EU portal for clinical trials in Europe
  • Identify on the current status and implementation timelines of the EU Clinical Trial Regulation
  • Summarize the clinical trial disclosure provisions in the EU Clinical Trial Regulation and how they will be implemented via the EU Portal
  • Speaker(s)

    Ana  Rodriguez Sanchez Beato , PhD

    Virtual Presenter

    Ana Rodriguez Sanchez Beato , PhD

    European Medicines Agency, Netherlands

    Head of Clinical and Non-Clinical Compliance, CTIS expert

    Matthias  Zerm, PhD


    Matthias Zerm, PhD

    Merz Therapeutics GmbH, Germany

    Lead Expert, Clinical Trial Disclosure and R&D Processes

      Panel Discussion

    Q&A Panel Discusison

    Panel Discussion

    All Session Speakers, United States

