Millennium Hotel London Mayfair

2017年12月08日 (金) 午前 9:00 - 2017年12月08日 (金) 午後 5:15

44 Grosvenor Square Mayfair, London, W1K 2HP, United Kingdom

DIA Brexit Summit | Ensuring Continuity for Patients and Business

Session 3: Regulatory Planning – Preparing for Day 1

Session Chair(s)

Zamshed  Harun

Zamshed Harun


Makaris Strategies, Switzerland

This session will review issues related to licensing, for Day 1 and looking forward. This will summarise what we know, what we still don’t know and what we have to do to be prepared.


Chris  Walker, MSc

Industry: Day One Contingency Plans and Practical Considerations

Chris Walker, MSc

Amgen, United Kingdom

VP, Head of Regulatory Affairs (EU,LATAM,MiddleEast,Africa,CAN)

Noël  Wathion, RPh

EMA Relocation and Business Continuity Planning: Insights in the Operations and Relocation Preparedness Task Force

Noël Wathion, RPh

European Medicines Agency, Netherlands

Deputy Executive Director

Peter  Bachmann

Decentralised Arrangements & How Other National Regulators Are Responding to the Brexit Challenge

Peter Bachmann

Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM), Germany

Deputy-Head, European Union and International Affairs

Rita  Purcell, LLM

Responding to the Brexit Challenge – Ireland

Rita Purcell, LLM

Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA), Ireland

Deputy Chief Executive

Keith  McDonald, MSc

MHRA Relocation and Preparation for Post-Brexit Regulatory Framework

Keith McDonald, MSc

Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), United Kingdom

Deputy Director, Licensing Division

