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Omni Shoreham Hotel

2018年1月22日 (月) 午前 7:00 - 2018年1月24日 (水) 午後 5:00

2500 Calvert Street NW, , Washington, DC 20008 , USA

Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management Strategies Conference

Day Two Keynote: Data Rich, Information Poor – Can We Turn Health Records into a Truly Learning Health Care System?

Session Chair(s)

Stella  Blackburn, MD, MA, MSc, FFPM, FISPE, FRCP

Stella Blackburn, MD, MA, MSc, FFPM, FISPE, FRCP


Consultant, United Kingdom

We are being deluged by data from many different sources, but are we using it to improve outcomes for patients? This session will cover what a learning health care system is and where we are in implementation. It will also explore personalized medicine and whether regulators, payers, and health care systems can keep up with the challenges of rapid progress in medicine.


Hans-Georg  Eichler, MD, MSc


Hans-Georg Eichler, MD, MSc

Austrian Association of Social Security Bodies, Austria

Consulting Physician

