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Session 2 Track 3: Seeking Optimization of the MSL Role in an Industry of Disruptive Forces
Session Chair(s)
J. Lynn Bass, PharmD, RPh
Medical Affairs Lead
Mesoblast, United States
As the profession has matured, Medical Science Liaisons (MSLs) have served as a bridge of communication between R&D/ Medical Affairs and internal and external stakeholders. However, with the emergence of high-science drugs developed with complicated mechanism of actions, MSLs have become increasingly crucial cogs in the pharmaceutical industry machine.
As the science level deepens, the need for individuals fluent in the storytelling of science increases due to the need to conduct deeper scientific exchange discussions with HCPs and payers. Factor in continuing technological advances in the pharmaceutical industry and a boom in the volume of real-world health data and you've established the perfect storm of circumstances for MSLs to rise in prominence within their companies.
This session will peek into the variety of technological advances and scientific innovation to review how these contribute to the positive disruption currently underway in the MSL role.
Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
- Review the benefits and risks of disruptive forces within the current pharmaceutical environment
- Summarize meaningful examples of how these disruptive forces are impacting the MSL role
- Detect how the future of the MSL role will be positively affected
J. Lynn Bass, PharmD, RPh
Mesoblast, United States
Medical Affairs Lead
Lori Mouser, PharmD
Daiichi Sankyo Inc., Switzerland
Senior Director, Global Head of Oncology Scientific Engagement and Congresses