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Session 10 Track 3: The Strategic MSL – Applying Business Acumen
Session Chair(s)

Kathleen M Guindon, PhD, MS, RN
Senior Director, Medical Science Liaison
Kronos Bio, United States
Rebecca A. Vermeulen, RPh
Vice President, Global Patient Networks | PD Medical Affairs
Genentech, A Member of the Roche Group, United States
The ability to execute in customer-facing roles is changing. Business acumen is evolving into a core competency. Business acumen involves a keenness and quickness in understanding and dealing with a business situation. As a strategic skill, business acumen helps MSLs to manage their customers’ needs in alignment with organization goals. Success requires relationship development with key people in other organizational departments, and understanding their challenges. This leads to understanding their product and disease space more comprehensively. The end result is sound, strategic decision-making with all stakeholders in mind.
Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
- Define business acumen and describe the importance of applying it in practice
- Utilize strategies to develop business acumen and support medical strategy
- Recognize what good business acumen looks like when applied in the field, and learn strategies for measuring success

Kathleen M Guindon, PhD, MS, RN
Kronos Bio, United States
Senior Director, Medical Science Liaison
Rebecca A. Vermeulen, RPh
Genentech, A Member of the Roche Group, United States
Vice President, Global Patient Networks | PD Medical Affairs