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Session 11 Track 1: Global Warming: Conserve Energy and Unify Partners
Session Chair(s)
Anne Arvizu, PharmD
Chief Executive Officer and Medical Affairs Advisor
RxER Communications Corp, United States
A fresh, tactical, and strategic approach to globalizing your MI Team. From the start up biotech prior to launch, to the global giant going through another re-org and acquiring new therapy areas, or companies. Change is always a factor to juggle in the global world. In the past, globalization sessions have focused on large pharma breakthroughs leaving many companies saying, “well, I’d like to do that in five years” or “that’s the goal” if I could get the budget. With the influx of small biotech companies and mid-sized pharma companies, together making up the majority of the industry and the new face of medical information, this year’s session focuses on practical take a ways for making a shift and gaining the right partnership and advocacy, no matter the size of the organization.
Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
- Identify practical approaches to enable globalization process within an MI team
- Work with partners and stakeholders to rally and ratify your cause
- Select regulatory and compliance tactics to apply to globalizing an MI team
Success at the Core: A Team Approach for Launching Global Medical Information
Heather Sun, PharmD
Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc., United States
Director, Global Medical Information

Don’t Globe it Alone: Expanding Awareness, and Country Capabilities in MI
Tim Fish, BSN, MBA, RN
Alkermes, United States
Making Contact: An Instant Globalization Footprint
Michele Simon
PPD, part of Thermo fisher Scientific, United States
Executive Dir;Medical Communication