Loews Sapphire Falls Resort

2019年3月18日 (月) 午前 11:00 - 2019年3月20日 (水) 午後 1:30

6601 Adventure Way,, Orlando, FL 32819

Medical Affairs and Scientific Communications Forum

3 Meetings, 1 Location: Medical Communications, Medical Science Liaisons, Medical Writing

Session 2 Track 1: All Aboard the Globalization Train

Session Chair(s)

Taleen  Kalebjian, PharmD

Taleen Kalebjian, PharmD

Senior Manager, Medical Information

Gilead Sciences, Inc., United States

The trend towards medical information globalization is clear, but the path and final product can look different for each organization. The results from a survey of several biopharmaceutical companies show us why companies decide to globalize, how they approach this process, and key components to a successful shift towards a global medical information department. We will then see some of these key learnings in action as one company shares their globalization journey.

Learning Objective :
  • Describe current trends in medical information globalization in areas including infrastructure, aspects of department globalization, and the use of technology
  • Compare various models of globalization
  • Discuss the value of globalization in regards to the company, the department, and the patient
  • Recognize key challenges associated with globalization and best practices for overcoming them


Mary K. Sendi, PharmD

PhactMI Benchmark Study Results

Mary K. Sendi, PharmD

Pfizer Inc, United States

Medical Information, Global Content Strategy and US Regional Lead

Ghiesla  Nel

MI Globalization – Partnering with Affiliates

Ghiesla Nel


Head of Global Medical Information

