Loews Sapphire Falls Resort

2019年3月18日 (月) 午前 11:00 - 2019年3月20日 (水) 午後 1:30

6601 Adventure Way,, Orlando, FL 32819

Medical Affairs and Scientific Communications Forum

3 Meetings, 1 Location: Medical Communications, Medical Science Liaisons, Medical Writing

Session 6 Track 1: Sewing Together HCPs and Pharma’s Opinion on Medical Information Scientific Response Documents

Session Chair(s)

Jacqueline  Byun, PharmD

Jacqueline Byun, PharmD

Manager, Medical Information

Sanofi, United States

Sarika  Sood, MD

Sarika Sood, MD

Sr. Director Global Medical Information

Abbvie, United States

Do we know if our current scientific response documents (SRDs) are of the highest quality for our customers? This session will present two different perspectives, from 400 healthcare providers and 27 Medical Information departments, on medical content in scientific response documents (SRDs). The phactMI benchmarking survey will describe the approaches of 27 member companies on medical information content while results from another phactMI survey of 400 healthcare providers will provide the opinions on the structure, content, layout, and delivery options of SRDs. In this session, we will provide strategies and roadmaps to enhance medical content based on customer preferences to deliver the highest quality responses utilized by HCPs in their clinical decision-making.

Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
  • Identify existing gaps to strategize the creation and maintenance of SRD to exceed customer expectations
  • Evaluate the productivity of resources to deliver exceptional scientific content
  • Develop transformational MI SRDs by integrating customer engagement through use of smart technology


Evelyn R. Hermes-DeSantis, PharmD

HCPs’ Opinion on Medical Information Scientific Response Documents

Evelyn R. Hermes-DeSantis, PharmD

Phactmi, United States

Director, Research and Publications

Ina  Shah, PharmD

PhactMI Benchmarking Survey: How Are Member Companies Managing Medical Content Through Response Documents?

Ina Shah, PharmD

Allergan Plc, United States


