Virtual Event

2020年8月18日 (火) 午前 8:00 - 2020年8月19日 (水) 午後 3:45

(US Eastern Standard Time)

Fort Washington, PA 19034

Digital Technology in Clinical Trials

Session 3 Track 2 & 3: How to Ensure Adequate Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Measures

Session Chair(s)

Jonathan  Andrus, MS

Jonathan Andrus, MS

Past Chair/Current Treasurer

Society For Clinical Data Management, United States

In today’s technology enabled world, it seems like every time we turn around, there is another cyber-attack or penetration of computing environment that render sensitive data subject to malicious use. These incidents are broadly portrayed around the world and, as a result, have made organizations, patients involved in clinical trials and others involved in clinical research reticent to use new and burgeoning technologies in the conduct of clinical trials. In addition, global regulators and ministries of health have enacted exacting data privacy regulations and guidance that are aimed at ensuring patients’ rights and desires are carried out in the use of their data. This current situation should not stymie innovation and the use of new technologies but rather should cause us to rise up and ensure that our vendors and technologies are architected in a way to withstand attacks and put into place policies and measures that will ensure the privacy of data. This session is aimed at providing participants with information that they can use to effect change within their own organizations and to put into place controls to ensure the privacy of data.

Learning Objective :

At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:

  • Understand the areas where they should focus to ensure adequate cybersecurity
  • Describe the steps that can be taken to evaluate potential vendors and technology solutions and their respective cybersecurity measures
  • Implement and ensure that the appropriate technical safeguards are in place within their respective organization or within their vendors


John  Edwards

Best Practices for Ensuring Security in the Cloud

John Edwards

Clinical Ink, United States

Senior Infrastucture and Security Architect

Veronica  Contreras, JD

Data Privacy Measures

Veronica Contreras, JD

eResearchTechnology, Inc., United States

Data Privacy Officer, Counsel

Sameer  Jaiswal, MS

Auditing Vendors and Suppliers for IT Security

Sameer Jaiswal, MS

MHM Consulting LLC, United States


