Virtual Event

2021年11月29日 (月) 午後 2:00 - 2021年12月01日 (水) 午後 7:00

(Central Europe Standard Time)

4051 Basel, Switzerland

Clinical Trial Disclosure & Data Transparency Conference

Evolving Requirements and New Challenges

Joint Session 1 - Part I: Overview of the EU CTIS

Session Chair(s)

Scott  Feiner

Scott Feiner

Senior Manager, Trial Disclosure

AbbVie, United States

Rose-Marie  Swallow

Rose-Marie Swallow

Senior Manager, Policy & Research

Bayer Plc., United Kingdom

With the clock ticking until CTIS go-live and implementation of the Clinical Trial Regulation only 8 weeks away, this opening session aims to get together 3 key stakeholders: EMA, Member States, and Sponsors, to bring us up to speed on how ready they are for 31 January 2022. As well as describing key functionalities of CTIS, this session will highlight any remaining challenges that Sponsors need to be aware of in preparation for this long awaited change in how we handle clinical trial applications in Europe in the future.


Laura  Pioppo, MSc

Demonstration of EU CTIS – Public View

Laura Pioppo, MSc

European Medicines Agency, Netherlands

Scientific Administrator, CTIS expert

Elke  Stahl, PhD

Update on Member States Readiness

Elke Stahl, PhD

Federal Institute For Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM), Germany

Senior Expert, Clinical Trials Department

Pierre-Frederic  Omnes, MPharm

Sponsor Perspective

Pierre-Frederic Omnes, MPharm

TransPerfect, France

Executive Director, Life Sciences

