Virtual Event

2021年11月29日 (月) 午後 2:00 - 2021年12月01日 (水) 午後 7:00

(Central Europe Standard Time)

4051 Basel, Switzerland

Clinical Trial Disclosure & Data Transparency Conference

Evolving Requirements and New Challenges

Session 6: Challenges of Non-Interventional Study Disclosure

Session Chair(s)

Kathleen  Ormiston, MS

Kathleen Ormiston, MS

Global Head of Trial Transparency

Sanofi US Inc, United States

With increasing focus on real world evidence from non-interventional studies for regulatory decision-making, should organizations disclose their non-interventional studies beyond the current requirements and if so, which ones? This session will share the experience of 2 pharma companies in setting up and implementing processes for systematic non-interventional study disclosure. Challenges in visioning and operationalizing the work will be explored, as well as current trends on the disclosure landscape. Solutions and insights based on disclosing a range of non-interventional study categories, global and local, will be highlighted, with Q&A at the end of the session


Kathleen  Ormiston, MS

Overview of Non-Interventional Study Disclosure

Kathleen Ormiston, MS

Sanofi US Inc, United States

Global Head of Trial Transparency

Ranjita  Mishra, MA, MSc

Operationalizing Non-Interventional Study Disclosure Within a Company - Sanofi

Ranjita Mishra, MA, MSc

Sanofi US, United States

Trial Transparency Senior Manager

Priya  Pavithran, MSc

Operationalizing Non-Interventional Study Disclosure Within a Company - GSK

Priya Pavithran, MSc

GSK, Belgium

Senior Director, Head - Clinical Trial Transparency and Data Sharing

