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Tokyo Big Sight

2022年10月09日 (日) 午前 9:00 - 2022年10月11日 (火) 午後 6:00

3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, 135-0063 Japan

19th DIA Japan Annual Meeting 2022

New “Quest for the future”~Moving Creativity and Innovation Forward in “New Normal”~

LS08 How RWE Affects Decision Making During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Session Chair(s)

Yoshiaki  Uyama, PhD, RPh

Yoshiaki Uyama, PhD, RPh

Associate Executive Director

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), Japan


Gerald  Dal Pan, MD, MHS

Gerald Dal Pan, MD, MHS

FDA, United States

Director, Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology, CDER

Maria  Gordillo-Marañon

Maria Gordillo-Marañon

European Medicines Agency, Netherlands

Chieko  Ishiguro, PhD, MPH

Chieko Ishiguro, PhD, MPH

National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Japan

Section Chief of Clinical Epidemiology, Department of Data Science

