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Tokyo Big Sight

2022年10月09日 (日) 午前 9:00 - 2022年10月11日 (火) 午後 6:00

3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, 135-0063 Japan

19th DIA Japan Annual Meeting 2022

New “Quest for the future”~Moving Creativity and Innovation Forward in “New Normal”~

LS44 Challenges for the Future Realized by Digital Biomarkers

Session Chair(s)

Naoto  Awaji, MSc

Naoto Awaji, MSc

Dept. Head of Biometrics Dept.

CHUGAI Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Japan


Yoshihiko  Furusawa, MD, PhD

Yoshihiko Furusawa, MD, PhD

Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Japan

Head of Rare Diseases, Medical Franchise, Japan Medical Office

Naruto  Taira, MD, PhD

Naruto Taira, MD, PhD

Kawasaki Medical School, Japan

Breast and Thyroid Surgery

Hazuki  Koshitomae

Hazuki Koshitomae

Phermaceuticals and Medical Device Agency (PMDA), Japan

Reviewer, Office of Software as a Medical Device

