KIT Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam

2022年10月19日 (水) 午後 6:30 - 2022年10月20日 (木) 午後 11:30

Mauritskade 63, 1092 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Clinical Trials and Data Science Conference

Break Out Sessions 2B: Data Quality, Governance and Sharing – Enabling Insights and Decision Making

Session Chair(s)

Patrick  Brady, PharmD

Patrick Brady, PharmD

Global Head, Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science

IQVIA, United States

Advancements in technology and the amount of data generated from an increasing number of data sources has led to the proliferation of data brings into the question the capacity to manage the volume, velocity, variety, veracity, and value of data (The 5 V’s of Big Data).  Although these advancements have present new challenges for data management and, more specifically, clinical data management, it also presents new opportunities in the form of digital health solutions that support more robust clinical research data through decentralized clinical trials, Real World Data/Evidence, Complex Innovative Design Trials, introduction of wearables and mobile software applications for improved clinical decision and patient decision support


Jesper  Kjær, MS

Jesper Kjær, MS

Novo Nordisk, Denmark

Global Director for Public, Private Partnerships, Strat Ops, Global Med Affairs

Fiona  Maini, MS

Fiona Maini, MS

Medidata a Dassault Systèmes Company, United Kingdom

Principal Global Compliance and Strategy Principal

Vada  Perkins, DrSc, MSc

Vada Perkins, DrSc, MSc

Boehringer Ingelheim, United States

Vice President, Global Head of Regulatory Intelligence & Policy

