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KIT Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam

2022年11月08日 (火) 午前 9:00 - 2022年11月09日 (水) 午後 5:15

Mauritskade 63, 1092 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Global Forum for Qualified Persons for Pharmacovigilance (QPPV)

Hackathon - Build On The International Piece: What can we do to have harmonization around the globe?

Session Chair(s)

Maarten  Lagendijk, MSc

Maarten Lagendijk, MSc

Deputy EU QPPV

MSD, Netherlands

Angela  Van Der Salm, PhD, MSc

Angela Van Der Salm, PhD, MSc

Director PV, Managing partner

DADA Consultancy B.V., Netherlands

Gemma  Jimenez Sese

Gemma Jimenez Sese

Senior Director, Deputy EU QPPV

AstraZeneca, Spain

Hackathon - Build On The International Piece: What can we do to have harmonization around the globe?

