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KIT Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam

2022年11月08日 (火) 午前 9:00 - 2022年11月09日 (水) 午後 5:15

Mauritskade 63, 1092 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Global Forum for Qualified Persons for Pharmacovigilance (QPPV)

Exhibiting, Advertising and Hosting Opportunities Now Available

Request Further Information

The QPPV Forum focuses on international QPs’ role and gives a high-level approach to the discussed topics and continues to identify key trends requiring QPPV awareness, input and oversight. This year’s objectives are built on past successes and have been shaped by valuable feedback provided by participants of the past thirteen meetings, plus many years of QPPV and Regulator interaction at this Forum. Moreover, we are looking forward to receiving information and discuss pragmatic approaches on the modern technology and how this will impact the QPPV Role. This year we will be focusing more on scanning the horizon and check the opportunities and considerations for QPPV role regarding AI, with the hope to demystify AI for QPPV.

With over 220 attendees from over 30 countries, don’t miss your chance to connect with the decision makers and showcase your products and solutions to the right people!


  • Global QPPVs/ Deputies
  • Regulators
  • Pharmacovigilance Consultants
  • Directors of Pharmacovigilance Oversight and Standards
  • Drug Safety Managers/Leaders
  • Auditors
  • Medical and Regulatory Affairs Experts
  • ….and many more!

You will be able to enjoy the valuable insights that your chosen conference will have to offer.

