Square Brussels Convention Centre

2024年3月12日 (火) 午前 9:00 - 2024年3月14日 (木) 午後 4:00

Glass Entrance, Mont des Arts/Kunstberg, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

DIA Europe 2024

Preference Studies in Regulatory and Payers' Decisions: Are We Ready?

Session Chair(s)

Francesco  Pignatti, MD

Francesco Pignatti, MD

Scientific Adviser for Oncology

European Medicines Agency, Netherlands

Isabelle  Huys, PharmD, PhD, MPharm

Isabelle Huys, PharmD, PhD, MPharm


KU Leuven, Belgium

The ICH has announced upcoming guidance development on patient preference studies. This session brings together different stakeholders to discuss the state of play and recommendations for patient preference studies in the regulatory and health technology decision context. IN particular, the session focuses on the role of preference studies in different decisions, methodological challenges and opportunities, and expectations from the patient community for inclusion of preference studies in regulatory submissions.


Jorien  Veldwijk, PhD, MSc

Patient Preferences Along the Drug Lifecycle

Jorien Veldwijk, PhD, MSc

Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands

Antonella  Cardone

Should Patient Preferences Be Required in Drug Applications?

Antonella Cardone

Cancer Patients Europe, Belgium


Sheila  Dickinson, MSc

Challenges and Opportunities from an Industry Perspective

Sheila Dickinson, MSc

Novartis Pharma AG, Switzerland

Global Benefit-Risk Lead

Irina  Cleemput, PhD


Irina Cleemput, PhD

Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE), Belgium

Scientific Programme Director

Douwe  Postmus, PhD, MSc


Douwe Postmus, PhD, MSc

University Medical Center Groningen & EMA, Netherlands

Assistant Professor & Seconded National Expert

Robert  Sauermann, DrMed


Robert Sauermann, DrMed

Austrian Federation of Social Insurances, Austria

Deputy Head of Department of Pharmaceutical Affairs

