Square Brussels Convention Centre

2024年3月12日 (火) 午前 9:00 - 2024年3月14日 (木) 午後 4:00

Glass Entrance, Mont des Arts/Kunstberg, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

DIA Europe 2024

Sustainability and CMC (Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls)

Session Chair(s)

Kirsty  Reid, PhD, MSc

Kirsty Reid, PhD, MSc

Director Science Policy

EFPIA - European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, Belgium

The session will focus on the impact of the Green Deal initiative as priority of the EU which will have an impact on the healthcare sector, particularly on the continuity of pharma R&D and manufacturing. The session will bring together those who are engaging in developing relevant EU chemical and environment legislative and non-legislative dossiers (Commission, regulators), and those who will be impacted (industry, suppliers) to discuss three identified case studies and discuss opportunities. This track will provide insights into how manufacturers and regulators can collaborate to deliver this revolution without risks to the supply of medicines. Participants will be invited to share their concerns and ideas to progress innovation and concepts in moving towards a more sustainable future of the healthcare sector.

Learning Objective : Identify case study areas of expected heavy impact where stakeholders from industry, SMEs, regulators will come together to share concerns and discuss opportunities and solutions on how to manage a more sustainable and environmentally positive future


Matt  Popkin, PhD

Matt Popkin, PhD

GSK, United Kingdom

Senior Director, CMC Excellence, Global Regulatory Affairs

Mónica  Perea-Vélez, PhD, MSc

Building a regulatory framework to support innovation to medicines supply to meet patient access and environmental targets

Mónica Perea-Vélez, PhD, MSc

GSK, Belgium

CMC Advocacy and Policy Director

Bert  Verstappen, MS

Case study: Packaging Materials and Primary Containers

Bert Verstappen, MS

Johnson & Johnson, Belgium

Manager Environmental Sustainability Belgium

Cathie  Vielle, PharmD

Environment and Sustainability Goals of the European Pharmacopoeia

Cathie Vielle, PharmD

EDQM/Council of Europe, France

Head of the European Pharmacopoeia Department

Veronika  Jekerle, PhD, RPh

Sustainability in Medicines Development & Manufacturing – an EMA Perspective

Veronika Jekerle, PhD, RPh

European Medicines Agency, Netherlands

Head of Pharmaceutical Quality

Carmen  Laplaza-Santos


Carmen Laplaza-Santos

European Commission DG SANTE, Belgium

Head of Unit of Health Innovations & Ecosystems

Helerin  Eiche


Helerin Eiche

State Agency of Medicines, Estonia, Estonia

Quality Assessor

