Square Brussels Convention Centre

2024年3月12日 (火) 午前 9:00 - 2024年3月14日 (木) 午後 4:00

Glass Entrance, Mont des Arts/Kunstberg, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

DIA Europe 2024

Levelling the Interaction Between Patients and European National Competent Authorities (NCAs) - Challenges & Possible Pitfalls

Session Chair(s)

David  Haerry

David Haerry

Co-Chair Advisory Committee

EUPATI Foundation,European AIDS Treatment Group, Belgium

Juan  Garcia-Burgos, MD, PhD

Juan Garcia-Burgos, MD, PhD

Head of Public and Stakeholders Engagement Department

European Medicines Agency, Netherlands

Today, the EMA and some National Competent Authorities (NCAs) increasingly involve patients in their work. Specifically, EMA engages in the provision of information and support for the patient community and in-house capacity building for its staff. Patient organisations, and others, like the European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation (EUPATI), also provide training for all stakeholders on the regulatory processes and possible roads to collaboration. This session provides a closer look at the current level and framework of NCA patient involvement in their regulatory procedures based on a survey run in 2023 by EUPATI with the support of the Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA). Survey results and surfacing gaps and obstacles for NCA-patient collaboration will be presented as well as emerging needs for capacity building for the patient community and in-house staff and possible solutions will be discussed in a roundtable.

Learning Objective : Expand the discussion on patient involvement in regulatory procedures in NCAs. Obtain a high-level overview of the present NCA regulators’ interaction with patients/patient organisations. Identify needs and gaps and identify opportunities for improvement of capacity building for patients as well as for NCA staff.


David  Haerry

Presentation of Survey Results: Overview of the Survey Conducted by EUPATI Analysing the Current Level of NCA-Patient Interaction in Regulatory Procedures at NCAs

David Haerry

EUPATI Foundation,European AIDS Treatment Group, Belgium

Co-Chair Advisory Committee

Lars Bo  Nielsen, MSc


Lars Bo Nielsen, MSc

Danish Medicines Agency (DKMA), Denmark

Director General

Sinead  Curran


Sinead Curran

HPRA, Ireland

Director of Human Products Monitoring

Richard  Ballerand


Richard Ballerand


Patient Advocate/Expert Advisor

