Square Brussels Convention Centre

2024年3月12日 (火) 午前 9:00 - 2024年3月14日 (木) 午後 4:00

Glass Entrance, Mont des Arts/Kunstberg, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

DIA Europe 2024

Methodologies Session

Session Chair(s)

Florian  Lasch

Florian Lasch

Biostatistics Specialist, Data Analytics and Methods Task Force

European Medicines Agency, Netherlands

Elina  Asikanius

Elina Asikanius


Finnish Medecines Agency Fimea, Finland

Exploring platform trials and the use of external controls in regulatory decision making, the methodologies session discusses innovative clinical trials designs and reflects on the regulatory acceptability in different situations. These topics will be complemented by a presentation on the structured harmonised protocol developed under ICH M11 and a discussion about it’s potential for facilitating deeper insight into the trial landscape and use of innovative design elements.

Learning Objective : This session aims to formulate the place of and solutions for setting up sustainable confirmatory (adaptive) platform trials for evaluation of multiple candidate interventions in the post-COVID era. The session will create awareness of the different stakeholders' perspectives on (adaptive) platform trials with the aim to stimulate interaction and collaboration.


Peter  Van Ven, PhD

Towards Sustainable Adaptive Platform Trials as a Source of Pivotal Evidence in the Post-COVID era.

Peter Van Ven, PhD

Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board (CBG-MEB) and University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands

Methodology assessor and Associate Professor in Clinical Trial Methodology

Katja  Hakkarainen, DrMed, MPharm

The Role of Externally Controlled (EC) Trials in Advancing Clinical Research and their Application in Regulatory Decision-Making

Katja Hakkarainen, DrMed, MPharm

Parexel International, Sweden

VP Epidemiology; Epidemiology & Real-World Science; RWE Scientific Affairs

Noemie  Manent, PharmD

Paving the Way for the Estimands Framework: ICH M11 Clinical Electronic Structured Harmonised Protocol

Noemie Manent, PharmD

European Medicines Agency, Netherlands

TDA-CTT Operations Workstream Lead

