Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort
2024年3月06日 (水) 午前 8:00 - 2024年3月06日 (水) 午後 12:00
1001 West Buena Vista Drive, Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830, USA
Tailored for senior-level executives only
7:30-8:00AM | Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00-8:10AM | Welcome Remarks
8:10-9:15AM | Session 1: How to Stay Competitive in Current Markets
9:15-10:30AM | Session 2: Evolution of Medical Affairs in the Era of Rapid Innovation
10:30-10:45AM | Refreshment Break
10:45AM-12:00PM | Session 3: Valur of Systematic Inclusion of Patient Voice
12:00PM | Executive Forum Concludes
to view the full agenda pdf, click here