Nihonbashi Life Science HUB

2024年11月26日 (火) 午前 10:00 - 2024年11月26日 (火) 午後 5:10

8F, 1-5-5 Nihonbashi-muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0022 Japan

10th DIA Medical Device Symposium in Japan

Session 2

Session Chair(s)

Kuniko  Shoji

Kuniko Shoji

Vice-Dean, School of Health Innovation

Kanagawa University of Human Services, Japan

Haruko  Yamamoto, MD, PhD

Haruko Yamamoto, MD, PhD

Executive Director

National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Japan


Masayo  Matsumura, MD, MBA

Session 2 - 1

Masayo Matsumura, MD, MBA

BiPSEE Inc., Japan


Kohei  Hayashi, MSc

Session 2 - 2

Kohei Hayashi, MSc

Quadlytics Inc. , Japan


Shintaro  Sengoku, PhD

Session 2 - 3

Shintaro Sengoku, PhD

Institute of Science Tokyo, Japan

School of Environment and Society

Jiakan  YU

Jiakan YU

Institute of Science Tokyo, Japan

Finance, Sengoku Laboratory

