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Academic Credit

DIA and the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law Collaboration

DIA      The University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law

The Drug Information Association (DIA) and the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law are partnering to offer a new online course, Leadership and Equity in the Life Sciences. This new course joins a larger eight-course curriculum offered by the University of Arizona, upon which learners can complete a Graduate Certificate in Regulatory Science. All courses taken may be applied to the Master of Legal Studies with a Concentration in Health Law and Policy or Bachelor of Arts in Law.

Over 7.5 weeks, this course will provide an overview of leadership and equity considerations in the life sciences industry. The business, legal and broader risk management concerns life science professionals must address to facilitate success in this complex and evolving industry are discussed. Relevant federal labor laws will be covered to provide a baseline legal framework that supports the need for diversity and equity for this growing workforce. Emerging trends in the field will also be covered.

What You Will Learn

  • The role of leadership in the life sciences industry, challenges faced by those leaders, and the various strategies and tools you can leverage to facilitate meaningful and positive change.
  • Federal labor laws and regulations governing the rights and protection of employees, focusing on application to relevant topics in the life sciences industry, including the management of a geographically dispersed workforce.
  • Incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion in emerging topics in the life science industry, such as in study participant recruitment and implementing digital technology in clinical trials.
  • Analyze how certain action or inaction by leaders, including as related to diversity and equity, impact the success of a life science institution and the industry writ large.

Target Audience

This online, asynchronous, course is designed for working professionals who wish to upskill in this area and to support the next generation of leaders, managers, advocates, regulators, scientists, and clinicians who want to learn more about best practices and how to apply them.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this online course, students should be able to:

  • Identify how leadership strategies, corporate culture, communication, and risk management all play a role in a life science professional's approach to effectively address equity gaps
  • Discuss the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the life science industry, including recognition of the major federal labor laws and the impact on clinical trials
  • Explain how equitable and inclusive practices apply to emerging areas in digital health technology, data privacy, data sharing, and regulatory compliance, and are restructuring the life science industry


Brian Santo, JD, MPH

Professor of Practice in Law, University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law

Chief Legal and Compliance Officer, ViiMed

How Do I Enroll

Information about applying for the Leadership and Equity in the Life Sciences course and Graduate Certificate in Regulatory Science is available here or by contacting the University of Arizona’s Health Law Program at law-health@arizona.edu. There is no cost to apply and GRE/LSAT/GMAT scores are not required.

You may also contact DIA at Training@DIAglobal.org.

