Kimberly Belsky, MS
Reg Policy & Intell and AdPromo, Regulatory Affairs, Independent, United States
Kimberly (Kim) Belsky is a seasoned regulatory professional specializing in Regulatory Policy, Intelligence, and Advertising & Promotion (AdPromo). With over 30 years of global experience in the medical product industry, including more than 20 years in regulatory affairs. Her diverse background spans prescription drugs, biologics, over-the-counter products, nutritionals, cosmetics, and medical devices. She also happily co-chairs the DIA AdPromo Working Group within the Regulatory Affairs Community and is actively involved in the Regulatory Affairs Professional Society (RAPS). Kim is passionate about networking, learning, sharing insights and fostering collaboration.
Erik Vollebregt, JD, LLM
Partner, AXON Lawyers, Netherlands
Erik's practice focuses on (medical) technology, pharmaceuticals, healthcare and life sciences in regulatory matters and he is active in litigation, commercial and transactional work in all of these fields.
John K. Wong, MPharm, RPh
Consultant, ADWORX REG INC., Canada
John Wong is a pharmacist graduate from Université Laval, Quebec, Canada. He started his career at the Toronto General as an Oncology Pharmacist. In 1998, he joined the Pharmaceutical Advertising Advisory Board (PAAB), a national regulatory body for the review of drug advertising, and later became the Deputy Commissioner. After 10 years at PAAB, John decided to cross over to the ‘other side' and landed at Ogilvy CommonHealth as an Account Director where he helped launch specialty products in Oncology, Hematology and HIV. John was recently the Director, Regulatory Drug Advertising & Promotion at TPIreg/ Innomar Strategies, providing consultation and review services for drug and medical device advertising.