DIA Global Center

2017年11月09日 (木) 午前 8:15 - 2017年11月10日 (金) 午後 3:30

21 Dupont Circle NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20036

Adaptive Design in Clinical Trials: When and How to Apply

Case Study 3

Session Chair(s)

Sandeep  Menon, PhD

Sandeep Menon, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Science and SVP,

Pfizer Inc, United States

Case Study 3
A pivotal two-stage frequentist adaptive design with treatment selection and UBSSR

  • Stage 1 is the regimen finding phase with treatment selection and UBSSR at the end of Stage 1, and Stage 2 is the confirmatory phase for the selected regimen(s)

