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Hulic Conference

2018年8月23日 (木) 午前 9:30 - 2018年8月24日 (金) 午後 5:00

Hulic Asakusabashi Building, 1-22-16 Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo, 111-0053 Japan

5th DIA European Medicines Regulations Training Course

This course will give you an overview of the European regulatory system to provide you with the tools you need to develop a successful regulatory strategy.


Peter  Bachmann

Peter Bachmann

Deputy-Head, European Union and International Affairs, Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM), Germany

Peter Bachmann is acting as the German NtA Member, a Member of the European Union Network Data Board and the EU IDMP/SPOR Task Force, the HMA WG ‘Better Use of Medicines’/'ePI Task Force', the International Pharmaceutical Regulators Programme (IPRP) Management Committee, and the European Lead of the ICH IGDG (Informal Generic Discussion Group). He has studied biology and chemistry and has a PhD in Pharmaceutical Biology, University of Wuerzburg (Germany). Following a JSPS postdoctoral fellowship at Kyoto University and a DFG Fellowship at the Institute of Food Research Norwich/UK, he has worked at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology, TU Braunschweig/Germany, until he joined in 1999 the BfArM, Department of Drug Approval.

Steffen  Thirstrup, MD, PhD

Steffen Thirstrup, MD, PhD

Chief Medical Officer, European Medicines Agency, Netherlands

Steffen Thirstrup is a medical doctor and board certified specialist in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. He holds a PhD in pharmacology and has a long background in clinical internal medicine. He is an adjunct professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen. From 2004-9 ST worked at the Danish Medicines Agency acting as member of CHMP and additionally CAT at the European Medicines Agency. Following a short period involved in developing best practice guidelines for primary care ST rejoined the DKMA as Head of the Licensing. From 2013-22, Prof Thirstrup worked asdirector and strategic consultant for NDA Group AB. From June 2022 Prof Thistrup is the Chief Medical Officer of the European Medicines Agency.

Masayoshi  Higuchi

Masayoshi Higuchi

Head of Quality & Regulatory Compliance Unit, , Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Japan

Mr. Masayoshi Higuchi is a vice president and the head of Quality & Regulatory Compliance Unit at Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd. He has over 30 years of experiences; including 2 years’ regulatory works at Roche in Basel, Switzerland. His areas of specialization include small molecular, biologics and medical devices from discovery, development, manufacturing, and to post-marketing. He was a member of the Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (JPMA), the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), the Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Associations of JAPAN, FPMAJ and other industrial associations during his career.He has also contributed to Drug Information Association (DIA) since 2014.

Akiko  Ikeda, RPh

Akiko Ikeda, RPh

Associate Director, Regulatory Development Dept., Janssen Pharmaceutical K.K., Japan

Education Background: Graduated Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences / Qualification: Licensed Pharmacist / CURRENT POSITION: Senior Manager of Policy Intelligence Department in Janssen Pharma K.K (Japan), A leader of Regulatory Sub Committee in PhRMA Japan, A member of Contents Committee in DIA Japan / SUMMARY OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 5 years of experiences at regulatory policy and intelligence; About 20 years of experiences at regulatory affair area including development for New drugs (NDA/ PMDA consultation); Started the carrier at Sankyo Co. (Currently Daiichi-Sankyo Co.) in 1986.

Yumi  Inukai

Yumi Inukai

New Drug Regulatory Affairs Dept., Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd., Japan

Miyuki  Kaneko

Miyuki Kaneko

Japan Regulatory Portfolio Lead, Regulatory Affairs, Pfizer R&D Japan G.K., Japan

Japan Regulatory Portfolio Lead, Regulatory Strategy Group 3, Regulatory Strategy & Policy, Regulatory Affairs, Pfizer Japan Inc. Biography: I have worked for Pfizer since 2003. As a Japan Regulatory Lead, I worked on drug development (NDA/ PMDA consultation). I currently work on development drugs in Inflammation, Pain, CNS and Endocrinology as a Japan Regulatory Portfolio Lead. I received my bachelor and master degree in Pharmaceutical Science from Fukuoka University.

Yomei  Matsuoka, MSc, RPh

Yomei Matsuoka, MSc, RPh

Vice President, Pharmacoepidemiology and PMS Department, Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd., Japan

Mr. Matsuoka is Senior Director of Pharmacovigulance Department at Daiichi Sankyo Co., LTD. He joined Sankyo Co., LTD. in 1991, and has worked for Daiichi Sankyo Co., LTD.since 2007. After engagement in clinical development department and regulatory affairs department for over 20 years, and moved to pharmacovigilancedepartment. Currently, he is in charge of safety planning for the several therapeutic areas such as CV, oncology, CNS, vaccines and contrast agents.

Miwa  Tamada

Miwa Tamada

Manager, New Drug RA Department, Regulatory Affairs, GlaxoSmithKline K.K., Japan

