Virtual Training Course (US Eastern Time)

2020年8月10日 (月) 午前 9:00 - 2020年8月13日 (木) 午後 1:15

The Pharmacovigilance Quality Management System

Session 8: Pharmacovigilance in the Study and Clinical Trial Environment

Session Chair(s)

Yvonne  Ditoro, BSN, MBA, RN

Yvonne Ditoro, BSN, MBA, RN

Pharmacovigilance Operations Consultant

Yvonne Ditoro and Associates LLC, United States

  • Review of study classification, causality assessments, expedited reporting, reference safety information, and other areas subject to pharmacovigilance audits and inspections
  • Pharmacovigilance-related clinical processes and cross-functional SOPs
  • Safety Management Plans, when they are required, and key elements to include

