Square Brussels Convention Centre

2022年3月28日 (月) 午前 10:00 - 2022年3月28日 (月) 午後 6:00

Glass Entrance, Mont des Arts/Kunstberg, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

Essentials of EU Regulatory Intelligence

Join the only course in regulatory intelligence that is tailored to the European healthcare landscape with a focus on the key stakeholders like EMA and EC.

Continuing Education

The Swiss Association of Pharmaceutical Professionals (SwAPP) and the Swiss Society for Pharmaceutical Medicine (SGPM) have accredited this training course with 5 credits.
Special rates available for SwAPP and SGPM members.

NameCredit TypeMax CreditsCEU
Essentials of EU Regulatory Intelligence, 28 Mar 2022, 10:00-18:00 CEST, Brussels, BelgiumCredit TypeSWAPP/SGPMMax Credits5.00CEU0.000

Statement of Credit:

All DIA training courses and meetings are accredited by the Swiss Association of Pharmaceutical Professionals (SwAPP) Commission for Professional Development (CPD) and Swiss Society of Pharmaceutical Medicine (SGPM).

