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About Exhibits

Join DIA for the largest multidisciplinary event that brings together a global network of life sciences professionals to foster innovation that will lead to the development of safe and effective medical products and therapies to patients.

DIA 2017 provides an invaluable forum for professionals involved in the discovery, development, and life cycle management of pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and related medical products.

Location: McCormick Place | 2301 South King Drive | Chicago, IL 60616, USA

Meeting Dates: June 18-22, 2017

Exhibit Dates: June 19-21, 2017 (Installation: June 17-18, 2017)

Request Information

Standard Exhibit Rate: $5,450 per 10’ x 10’ (100 sq. ft.)

Premium Location Exhibit Rate: $5,950 per 10’ x 10’ (100 sq. ft.)

Included per each 100 square feet of booth space:

  • 1 complimentary full conference registration (a $1700 value)
  • 3 complimentary exhibit booth personnel registrations (includes refreshments and lunch Monday through Wednesday)
  • A 6’ skirted table, 2 chairs, and a wastebasket (a $600 value)
  • Pipe and drape booth structure

Also included with each booth:

  • Generic ID sign
  • Listing in Browse Exhibitors portion of the DIA 2017 website and the DIA Global App, including company summary and website link
  • Listing in Exhibitor Directory portion of the Onsite Final Program (deadline of Friday, April 14, 2017)
Additional expenses associated with the exhibit, including special booths, drayage, lights, phone, carpeting*, electrical connections, internet access, etc., will be the responsibility of the exhibitor.
Additional personnel required above those allotted per 10’ x 10’ must register as a full attendee incurring full registration fees.

*Aisle carpeting will be provided in the Exhibit Hall. Exhibiting companies are required to carpet their booths at their own expense. Carpeting may be ordered through Freeman by using the order forms included in the Exhibitor Service Manual (available Spring 2017).

Registration Rates

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