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Track 4: Patient Engagement

With 15 sessions specific to Patient Engagement, DIA 2017 accommodates all stakeholders in a new phase of the patient engagement journey. This is an extremely important topic, and we are coming to a better understanding of what constitutes meaningful patient engagement in each stage of the product life cycle. This track focuses attention on the next questions for all stakeholders including:
- How do we truly engage patients?
- How do we operationalize patient-centric approaches in our day-to-day work?
- How can we measure the effectiveness of our efforts, both for patient outcomes and to meet the needs of other stakeholders such as industry and regulatory decision-makers?
- What have earlier adopters learned that can be used to drive more meaningful patient engagement?
- How do stakeholders best work together to leverage their collective power and expertise?
- What do patient and other stakeholders want from patient engagement in the medical product life cycle?
Highlights in Patient Engagement
- The who, what, when, where, how, and why of patient engagement
- Patient-focused medical development learnings to date
- Measuring the effectiveness and return on engagement of patient-centric initiatives
- Building collaborative, multi-stakeholder communities
- Coalition building to guide promising therapies through regulatory and developent hurdles
- Virtual and traditional communities
- Digital patient engagement – new approaches and impact on effectiveness
- The “science of patient input” twin sessions: regulatory perspectives and emerging tools
- The voice of the child in medical product development, and assuring that all voices are heard
- Data sharing in 2017 and beyond – global perspectives
- Featured Topics in Patient Centricity, Pediatrics, Clinical Operations, and Career Development
DIA recommends this track and associated sessions to professionals involved in: Patient Affairs, Patient Advocacy, Patient Groups, Patient Support Services, Medical Affairs (including CMOs and MSLs), Clinical Trial Design and Optimization, Clinical Research and Operations, Regulatory Affairs, Regulatory Agency, Corporate and Government Affairs, and Safety and Pharmacovigilance.
Sessions in Patient Engagement
Monday, June 19
- Patient Engagement: 4 W's and an H
- Data Sharing: 2017 and Beyond
- We Can't Forget the Children in This Process

Tuesday, June 20
- Sharing the Burden
- Not Your Grandma's Patient Advocacy Group Anymore
- Partnering with Patients: Virtual and Traditional Communities - When for What
- Walking the Walk in Patient Focused Medicines Development: From Theory to Practice What Have We Learned?
- If You See Something (About a Clinical Trial), Do You Say Something (to Your Doctor)?
- Defining the Science of Patient Input to Enhance Drug Development and Approval: Tools
- Defining the Science of Patient Input to Enhance Drug Development and Approval: Regulatory
Wednesday, June 21
- Quantitative Metrics to Capture the Value of Patient Engagement
- Adoption and Implementation of Digital Platforms to Further Patient Interactions
- How Is Digital Patient Engagement Impacting Trial Participation?

Thursday, June 22
- How Do You Build a Collaborative Community? What Advice Would You Give?
- How Do We Retain Patients in Studies? Using the Patients’ Words to Explore Treatment Acceptance and Patient Engagement
More on Patient Engagement: How We Think at DIA
- Read the latest insights on Patient Engagement from DIA's digital magazine, the Global Forum, and DIA’s print journal, Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Science (TIRS).
- Check out the recently written Considerations Guide to Implementing Patient-Centric Initiatives in Health Care Product Development
- Download study findings from the DIA-conducted study, in collaboration with researchers at the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development (Tufts CSDD), the Study of Patient-Centric Initiatives in Drug Development
- Join the DIA Patient Engagement Community (DIA Members-only benefit)