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メニュー 戻る 13

Track 13: Professional Development

DIA 2017: Driving Insights to Action

The Professional Development track focuses its content on topics that improve and support ongoing personal growth for career and team success. This broad category includes: interpersonal skills, soft skills, leadership, goal-setting, life-long learning, career transitions (career growth, lateral career transitions, and entrepreneurship), social media/new media, and self-awareness to assess strengths and gaps.

Sessions in Professional Development

Sunday, June 14 | Short Courses

View All Short Courses

Friday, June 12

Sunday, June 14

Tuesday, June 16

Wednesday, June 17

Thursday, June 18

On Demand

Who is This Track Designed For?

Everyone! This track is geared towards providing life science professionals with insight and practical solutions for improving and supporting ongoing personal growth for career and team success.

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Registration Rates

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