Meeting Speaker from the INFARMED
We are honored to have INFARMED partner so closely with us, especially at time where innovation has been catalyzed. Learn more below about these leaders of today.
Meet Our Confirmed Speaker from INFARMED
Dinah Duarte, Scientific Evaluation Unit, Directorate of Medicinal Products
Dr. Dinah Duarte is a senior assessor at the Scientific Evaluation Unit at the Directorate of Medicinal Products, in the Portuguese regulatory authority for medicines and health products (INFARMED). She is an expert member at the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the current Committee for Orphan Medicinal Products member for Portugal. Former CHMP (Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use) member for Portugal and the CHMP representative in the EMA’s group Human Scientific Committees Working Party With Healthcare Professionals Organizations. She is also Assistant Professor at the Lisbon University.
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