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Member Learning Academy

What does the Learning Academy mean for you?

With a focus on the development of future leaders, DIA’s Member Learning Academy is a curated collection of self-paced, online course modules and videos designed to address core competencies like leadership, management, and more. This curated content is produced as an extension of DIA’s mission to promote the development of future leaders through customized learning experiences.

Need Continuing Education Credit? All of the courses in the learning academy offer continuing education credit. Sign up for Membership to start your learning journey today!

  • Member Learning Academy Courses:

    Communication Skills: Communicating is the ability to effectively convey and transfer information from one point to the next. Having good communication skills is essential to a productive business.

    Leadership/Management Skills: The management skills courses available in this category will increase the skills of managers and employees alike.

    Diversity and Inclusion: Understanding diversity can often seem difficult—it’s hard to tell where the subject begins and ends. Simply put, it begins with you and ends with the world. That’s easy to say, maybe even glib, so what does it really mean?

    Our diversity and inclusion courses show you that getting a handle on the diversity of others means first understanding your own diversity; that seeing yourself helps you to actually see others, to listen to them, and to communicate with them.

    Professional Development:These courses focus content on topics that improve and support ongoing personal growth for career and team success.

    Become a Member 


Need Continuing Education Credit? All of the courses in the learning academy offer continuing education credit. Sign up for Membership to start your learning journey today!

Created to help you maintain and improve your knowledge and skills, the continuing education program at DIA (Drug Information Association) offers a variety of educational events to meet your needs.

The following continuing education credits are available through the learning academy courses.

  • Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE)

    ACPE logoDIA is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.

    NEW! ATTENTION - ACPE Credit Request Update


    DIA is required by the ACPE to submit activity and participant information online via CPE Monitor™ within 45 days postdate of learner participation in the continuing pharmacy education (CPE) activity. Any ACPE credit requests submitted to DIA after the 45 day post CPE activity will not be submitted to the learner’s NABP e-Profile (effective January 1, 2015).

    The CPE Monitor is a collaborative service from the ACPE and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP), which allows CPE providers to authenticate, store, and streamline data reporting and compliance verification for participating boards of pharmacy. The CPE tracking system creates a direct link for sending ACPE claimed credit requests from DIA to ACPE, then onto the NABP. When requesting ACPE credit, learners must submit their NABP e-Profile ID and date of birth (MMDD). If you need to obtain your NABP e-Profile ID, please visit www.nabp.net.

  • International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET)

    IACET providerDrug Information Association (DIA) is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is authorized to issue the IACET CEU.

  • Project Management Institute (PMI®)

    Project Management InstituteDIA has been reviewed and approved as a provider of project management training by the Project Management Institute (PMI).

    The PMI® Registered Education Provider logo is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

