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Session 6 Track 3: Fishing for Insights and Extending the Engagement Beyond the Congress
Session Chair(s)
Kevin Appareti
Senior Director, Global Medical Science Liaison
Royal Philips, United States
We will be covering the importance of uncovering insights from customers during various types of engagements at conferences and how to extend our reach beyond the confines of the forum. We will share novel ideas on how to extend the engagement with key customers so we can ensure we are connected over time to strengthen our relationships. The session will offer different perspectives from Pharma, Professional Societies, and Medical Device. There will be ample time to interact with the audience in sharing best practices and ideas on this topic.
Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:- Identify the value of uncovering insights from our key customers
- Build strategies and tactics to extend the engagement beyond the conference venue
- Recognize different perspectives from Professional Organizations, Pharma, and Med Device on this topic
Gathering Insights and Extending Engagement with Customers - Med Device Perspective
Kevin Appareti
Royal Philips, United States
Senior Director, Global Medical Science Liaison
Gathering Insights and Extending Engagement with Customers - DIA Perspective
Raleigh E. Malik, PhD
Eli Lilly and Company, United States
Senior Director, Global Medical Affairs
Gathering Insights and Extending Engagement with Customers - Pharma Perspective
J. Lynn Bass, PharmD, RPh
Mesoblast, United States
Medical Affairs Lead