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Session 10 Track 1: Podium Pearls
Session Chair(s)
Poonam Bordoloi, PharmD
Executive Director, Head of Global Medical Affairs Capabilities
Organon & Co., United States
Medical communications professionals will be presenting their successes, challenges, and “pearls of wisdom” on various topics through podium presentations.
Learning Objective : At the conclusion, participants should be able to:- Discuss and share best practices, experiences, and innovative processes for medical communications topics related to Social media and new tools for engagement, collaborating across medical affairs, contact center and actionable insights, EU collaborative pharma portal(s), proactive HCP Whatsapp Broadcast initiative launched outside the US, and the use of readability formulas within medical writing for clinical trial summaries
Medical Information (MI) Social Media Activities in Canada: Impact of Post Type on Engagement Rate
Rania Gaspo, PhD
Pfizer Inc, Canada
Director, Global Therapy Area Team Lead, External Medical Communications
How Successful Medical Affairs Teams Make the Most of Their Real-World Data to Benefit Patients
Isabelle C. Widmer, DrMed
elytra GmbH, Switzerland
CEO elytra GmbH, Consultant

Analysis of Medical Information Contact Center Data: Business Insights and Opportunities
Nicholas Liu, PharmD
Lundbeck, United States
Medical Information Associate

A MILEstone - Creating the European Industry Association for Medical Information
Aurelio T Benassini, DrMed, MD
Merck Sharp & Dhome, United States
Executive Director Global Medical Information
MI-ND Medical Information-News Delivery: Providing Customers with Medical Information "Proactively" by Using WhatsBroadcast
Marie-Luise Helmich, PhD
Sanofi, Germany
Head of Global Medical Information Key Markets

Clinical Trial Summaries: Readability to Effectively Inform Patients
Autumn Sky Watson
University of The Sciences In Philadelphia, United States
Biomedical Writing Student