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Session 2: Perspectives in Regulatory Cooperation
Session Chair(s)
Marc Poitras, PhD, MBA
Scientific Manager, Marketed Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Bureau
Health Canada, Canada
Karen Feltmate
Redstone Health Group, Inc., Canada
This session will provide a high-level context for the transformations in our regulations. From the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat to the international arena, to the HTAs/Provinces/Territories at home. The industry perspective will also be presented to complete a fulsome review of regulatory cooperation in evolution.
Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:- Describe the Canadian and international context for regulatory transformation
- Explain the intended benefits and potential pitfalls of proposed changes
- Discuss the current status of several new areas of cooperation
Canada’s Regulatory Modernization Agenda
Jeannine Ritchot, MA
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Canada
Executive Director of the Regulatory Policy and Cooperation Directorate
Industry Perspectives on Regulatory Cooperation
Kristin Willemsen, MS
Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada, Canada
Vice President, Scientific & Regulatory Affairs
David K. Lee
Health Canada, Canada
Chief Regulatory Officer for Health Product and Food Branch

Keith McIntosh
Innovative Medicines Canada, Canada
Executive Director, Scientific & Regulatory Affairs
Transforming How We Manage Health Technologies
Brian O'Rourke, PharmD
Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health, Canada
President and Chief Executive Officer