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Session 3: Track B: Canadian Trends in Fostering Clinical Trial Research
Session Chair(s)

Fiona M Frappier, PhD
Senior Policy Analyst
Health Canada, Canada
The session will provide an overview of key initiatives to enhance the number and quality of trials underway in Canada. Factors impacting the clinical trials environment and opportunities to improve our healthcare innovation capabilities in Canada will be identified and described. Key outlooks will be reflected from provincial, contract research organization, and national coordinating center perspectives.
Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:- Identify resources and tools available in the Canadian innovation ecosystem
- Discuss how to leverage strengths between industry, government, and academia
- Discuss options to further enhance Canadian clinical trials environment

Update on Health Canada’s Clinical Data Sharing Initiative
Marcin Boruk, MBA, MSc
Health Canada, Canada
Manager RMOD, HFPB
Enhancing Research Participant Protection in Canada Through Accreditation
Janice Parente, PhD
Orion Human Research Accreditation, Canada
President and CEO
Clinical Trials: The Changing Landscape - Understanding and Adapting
Susan Marlin, MSc
Clinical Trials Ontario, Canada
President & CEO