Tokyo Big Sight

2018 年 11 月 11 日 9:30 上午 - 2018 年 11 月 13 日 5:40 下午

3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, 135-0063 Japan

15th DIA Japan Annual Meeting 2018

Innovative technologies such as AI, big data/genomics, and cell/gene therapies are poised to transform healthcare product development across the globe – join us to discuss these topics.

[V7-S2] Use and Application of Real World Data/Evidence Based on Next Generation Medical Infrastructure Act

Session Chair(s)

Shunichi  Takahashi, PhD

Shunichi Takahashi, PhD

Director, Head of Open Innovation Center Japan

Bayer Yakuhin, Ltd., Japan

Next Generation Medical Infrastructure Act become effective on 11th May 2018 and we are able to use medical related big data under proper information management. In this session, presenters will share overview of real world data which is being established under all Japan system and important topics of Next Generation Medical Infrastructure Act. In addition, as cases from pharmaceutical company, some presenters will share practices; 1) digital health tool development, 2) data application using EHR (electric health record) or PHR (personal health record). This session will have a time to discuss how should we grow digital health area under all Japan system.


Hiroshi  Mizushima, PhD

Use and Application of Real World Data

Hiroshi Mizushima, PhD

National Institute of Public Health, Japan

Chief Senior Researcher, Center for Public Health Informatics

Haruka  Nakada, JD, PhD

Overview of Next Generation Medical Infrastructure Act

Haruka Nakada, JD, PhD

National Cancer Center , Japan

Division of Bioethics and Healthcare Law, Center for Public Health Sciences

Masayuki  Katsumata

Our Challenge for Innovation: Real World Data

Masayuki Katsumata

GlaxoSmithKline K.K., Japan

Head, Value Evidence & Outcomes

Jovelle  Fernandez, MD, PhD

Value of Real World Evidence to Clinicians

Jovelle Fernandez, MD, PhD

Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Japan

Vice President, Japan Medical Officer and Head, Japan Medical Affairs

Masakatsu  Imoto

Masakatsu Imoto

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), Japan

