Tokyo Big Sight

2018 年 11 月 11 日 9:30 上午 - 2018 年 11 月 13 日 5:40 下午

3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, 135-0063 Japan

15th DIA Japan Annual Meeting 2018

Innovative technologies such as AI, big data/genomics, and cell/gene therapies are poised to transform healthcare product development across the globe – join us to discuss these topics.

[V8-S2] The Latest Regulatory Trend and Counter Measures for Data Integrity

Session Chair(s)

Shuji  Sumida, MSc, RPh

Shuji Sumida, MSc, RPh


Project Quality and Risk Management, Japan

The integrity of required scientific data and process records in ensuring the quality, efficacy, and safety of drugs has come under the spotlight. One major reason for this trend is instances of the alteration and falsification of data and records at a number of drug manufacturing sites. Steps such as access controls and review of audit trails are thus needed to stop intentional fraud, and the FDA has issued some warning letters in the last few years because of insufficient measures to ensure data integrity. Such factors have led to data integrity coming under closer scrutiny, with guidances issued for all GxP areas, not only GMP. In this session, we will discuss the main issues and what we can do to resolve them, taking a look at the latest regulations and recent inspection findings.


Hiroyuki  Kawakita

Data Integrity:Regulatory expectation and findings on GMP Inspection

Hiroyuki Kawakita

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), Japan

Specialist (for Inspection)

Satoshi  Morino

The Latest Global Regulatory Trends on Data Integrity and Issues to be Addressed by the Pharmaceutical Industries

Satoshi Morino

Eisai Co., Ltd., Japan

Kashima Quality Assurance, Japan Regional Quality, Global Quality HQs

Atsuto  Kobe

Data Integrity Remediation Activities for Inspection Readiness and Outcome of FDA Inspection

Atsuto Kobe

Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Japan

Pharmaceutical Technology Quality Dept

