Tokyo Big Sight

2018 年 11 月 11 日 9:30 上午 - 2018 年 11 月 13 日 5:40 下午

3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, 135-0063 Japan

15th DIA Japan Annual Meeting 2018

Innovative technologies such as AI, big data/genomics, and cell/gene therapies are poised to transform healthcare product development across the globe – join us to discuss these topics.

[V6-S5] Various Issues Related to HTA -Looking at on a Micro and Macro Scale-

Session Chair(s)

Koji  Kawakami, MD, PhD

Koji Kawakami, MD, PhD

Professor and Chair, Department of Pharmacoepidemiology

Graduate School of Medicine and Public Health, Kyoto University, Japan

For pharmaceutical and medical device industry, it becomes more and more important to explain the value of new technology, facing the introduction of HTA in Japan. Following presentations will be made in this session; - Examples of the utilization of Real World Data, as well as the latest trend of HTA in Japan. - The function of HEOR in US and EU, which covers various approaches such as cost-effectiveness analysis, budget impact and disease burden. - Tips of the Guideline of Central Social Insurance Medical Council Finally, an opportunity for an exchange of views between panelists and audience will be provided through panel-discussion.


Koji  Kawakami, MD, PhD

Real World Data Development for the Drug Evaluation

Koji Kawakami, MD, PhD

Graduate School of Medicine and Public Health, Kyoto University, Japan

Professor and Chair, Department of Pharmacoepidemiology

Mark  Hill, MD, PhD

HEOR Function in US and EU

Mark Hill, MD, PhD

Shionogi Limited, United Kingdom

Head, Global Market Access

Kosuke  Iwasaki, MBA

Remarks on Chuikyo Guideline

Kosuke Iwasaki, MBA

Milliman, Inc., Japan

Japan Healthcare Practice and Data Analytics

