Loews Sapphire Falls Resort

2019 年 03 月 18 日 11:00 上午 - 2019 年 03 月 20 日 1:30 下午

6601 Adventure Way,, Orlando, FL 32819

Medical Affairs and Scientific Communications Forum

3 Meetings, 1 Location: Medical Communications, Medical Science Liaisons, Medical Writing

Session 2 Track 2B: Health Canada – Regulatory Transparency and Openness

Session Chair(s)

Stephanie  Krupski

Stephanie Krupski

Consultant - Global Scientific Communications

Eli Lilly and Company, United States

During this session, we will discuss the new Health Canada policy on public release of clinical information. We will also explore how the Health Canada policy compares and contrasts to the EMA Policy 70. Finally, we will go over how companies/medical writers can proactively plan for Health Canada transparency requests.

Learning Objective :
  • Understand the goals/aims of the Health Canda policy on Public Release of Clinical Information
  • Discuss the current state of the policy: How has the policy changed? What action groups are involved in defining the policy?
  • Compare and contrast the Health Canada policy with/against the EMA Policy 70 on transparency
  • Create action plan for medical writers to proactively prepare for the transparency requests


Teresa  Armstrong


Teresa Armstrong

Janssen, Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson, United States

Plain Language Summary Specialist

Sandra  Wainwright


Sandra Wainwright

Merck Canada Inc., Canada

Exec. Dir., Regulatory Liaison

