Loews Sapphire Falls Resort

2019 年 03 月 18 日 11:00 上午 - 2019 年 03 月 20 日 1:30 下午

6601 Adventure Way,, Orlando, FL 32819

Medical Affairs and Scientific Communications Forum

3 Meetings, 1 Location: Medical Communications, Medical Science Liaisons, Medical Writing

Session 3 Track 3: MSL Field Insights: Executing Three Rights (Right Audience, Right Time, Right Information), without Going in Circles

Session Chair(s)

Ed  Cunningham, PharmD

Ed Cunningham, PharmD

Sunovion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., United States

Medical Science Liaisons (MSLs), with their advanced training, knowledge, and field focus, are uniquely positioned to help an organization understand the perspectives of its external stakeholders. The value of insights gathered and reported by the MSL team can span across a product lifecycle and involve a variety of customers that are ultimately impacted by the company’s decisions. This session will review approaches for optimizing the gathering and reporting of MSL field insights, while doing so in a timely, effective, and compliant manner.

Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
  • Discuss the role of MSLs and Field Medical teams in the gathering of scientific insights throughout each stage of the product lifecycle
  • Describe best practices for identification of scientific insights which align with unique internal stakeholder needs
  • Discuss tools and approaches for compliant documentation and reporting of insights


Ed  Cunningham, PharmD


Ed Cunningham, PharmD

Sunovion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., United States

Michael  Abbadessa, PharmD


Michael Abbadessa, PharmD

OpX Insights, Inc., United States

Founder and Cheif Executive Officer

Avikk S Ghose, MBA


Avikk S Ghose, MBA

Kernel, United States


