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Session 6 Track 2: Techniques, Technology, and Templates: New Approaches to Writing Clinical Study Reports
Session Chair(s)
Ann Winter-Vann, PhD
Senior Writer and Manager
Whitsell Innovations, Inc., United States
Learning Objective :
At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:- Employ new strategies to develop consistent messaging throughout a CSR
- Streamline the content of a CSR to decrease writing and review time
- Identify the advantages of the TransCelerate CSR template and structured authoring
Strategies to Maximize Efficiency in CSR Writing
Lisa Ambrosini Vadola, PhD, MA
Whitsell Innovations, Inc., United States
Manager, Medical Writing
TransCelerate’s Common CSR Template: A Consistent Approach to Writing Compliant CSRs with Ease
Elizabeth Brown, MS, PMP
Merck & Co., Inc., United States
Executive Director, Medical Writing & Disclosure