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Virtual Event

2021 年 10 月 27 日 7:00 上午 - 2021 年 10 月 29 日 12:00 上午

(US Eastern Standard Time)

Horsham, PA 19044

Digital Technology in Clinical Trials

This event is now offered in a new entirely virtual format.

Session 9 Regulatory Sprint: Can We Develop an Agile Regulatory Decision Matrix for Digital Measurement?

Session Chair(s)

Lauren  Oliva, PharmD, RPh

Lauren Oliva, PharmD, RPh

US Lead, Global Regulatory Policy

Biogen, United States

Megan  Doyle, JD, MPH

Megan Doyle, JD, MPH

Associate Vice President, Assistant General Counsel - Diagnostics

Eli Lilly & Company, United States

Anindita  Saha

Anindita Saha

Associate Director Strategic Initiatives, Digital Health Center of Excellence

FDA, United States

This interactive panel session will explore a fictional case study of a digital health technology (DHT) used as a measurement tool in a drug clinical trial. An expert panel will engage in a dialogue, including audience polls and Q&A, about regulatory considerations for selection of the most appropriate endpoint, how to measure the endpoint, and verification and validation as it applies to the hypothetical case study.

Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
  • Explore evidence criteria to be addressed for digital health technologies (DHTs) in clinical trials through a case example
  • Evaluate regulatory questions based on drug program goals and DHT medical device status and intended use


Anindita  Saha


Anindita Saha

FDA, United States

Associate Director Strategic Initiatives, Digital Health Center of Excellence

Jeffrey Nahum Siegel, DrMed, MD


Jeffrey Nahum Siegel, DrMed, MD

FDA, United States

Director, Office of Drug Evaluation Sciences, OND, CDER

Elizabeth  Kunkoski, MS


Elizabeth Kunkoski, MS

FDA, United States

Health Science Policy Analyst, OMP, CDER

Matthew  Diamond, MD, PhD


Matthew Diamond, MD, PhD

FDA, United States

Chief Medical Officer, Digital Health Center of Excellence, CDRH

Samantha  Roberts, PhD


Samantha Roberts, PhD

Genentech, A Member of the Roche Group, United States

Group Director, US Regulatory Science

Simon  Bennett, MSc


Simon Bennett, MSc

Biogen, United Kingdom

Director, EU Regulatory Policy

